In this presentation, we'll explore how a dApp can be designed for a Staking & Insurance protocol.

Link to our Figma.


This was an open bounty given by Superteam. Amulet Protocol had a TestNet ready for us to test and analyse. This was a mountainous task since blockchain is in many ways a completely foreign concept that needs a natural on-boarding process and people are scared of what they don’t understand. As a key component of the blockchain experience, design and accessibility go hand in hand to give users a seamless and easy journey into the decentralized world.

What is Amulet ?

Amulet is the first insurance protocol for the Rust ecosystem, starting with Solana. They are built as a flexible protocol enabling them to provide many different type of insurance products. Amulet has designed an innovative and open insurance model, which not only effectively addresses the common challenges of existing decentralized insurance protocols, but also creates a new paradigm shift for the whole insurance sector. Their aim is simple

Simple, Reliable Cover For Everyone in Web3 . Maximum protection and yield, fully protected through Protocol Controlled Underwriting.

Why Amulet is better ?

All traditional and DeFi insurance protocols attack staked / invested funds in order to pay out claims, this diminishes returns and impacts relationships creating an unsustainable model. Amulets unique structure enables them to pay out claims without impacting staked capital.

Problem Statement.